Reflection on the Gospel of the Tuesday
Luke 1: 26-38 |
Today’s Gospel is the Divine call of Mary to be part of Salvation History. Within this Divine call, I would like to draw our attention to God’s powerful promise that is “With God nothing is impossible”, and which stands firm even in this millennium.
So, can I ask you to take a moment and bring to mind one or more situations/difficult people in your life. Situations that seem impossible, people with whom a good wholesome relationship seems impossible. It can be just about anything that you have labelled ‘Impossible’.
Now chose this moment/day to trust God and speak His very words “With God nothing is impossible” upon that very situation/person, you have given up on.
Mary trusted in the Divine call to her and so are we called to do the same in our daily walk of life. Trust is not based on feeling certain or secure. It’s based on believing that God is God and therefore can do everything He plans to accomplish – yes, even through you!
So today or anytime in the future, if you reach rock bottom remember and repeat this to yourself “With God nothing is impossible”.